Chartered Accountants
Business Advisers
01622 277 057 / 020 8303 1417
Hamilton Coopers
The Accountants You Can Trust
HAMILTON COOPERS provides unparalleled personalized accounting services to a broad range of clients across the Maidstone and Kent area. As your chartered accountants, we are here to ensure that all of your financial decisions are made carefully and with your best interests in mind. We are ready and able to serve as your financial adviser, tax planner, and guide down your path to success.


Statutory Accounts & Compliance Services
Every business has a statutory obligation to produce accounts annually for the relevant authorities, typically HM Revenue & Customs and Companies House. This is a job that someone has to do and most accountants do that job.
One of the key objectives in accounts preparation is to identify areas where we can assist in minimising your tax liability. Another key objective is to ensure that the accounts are compliant with all the statutory regulations.
In addition we like to gain a full understanding of your business so that we are able to give advice and recommendations tailored exactly to your requirements. We believe that accounts preparation in itself can give a massive insight to your business and gives the bigger picture, to help with both the short-term objectives and long term goals of the owners.
We take the time to explain your accounts to you so that you understand what is going on financially within your business, helping you to plan for the future.

Business Start Up
Starting up or growing a business is an exciting and busy time. Your focus is on developing sales, recruiting the right people and creating the right infrastructure. Time is a precious resource which you need to spend wisely. Being confronted with the various financial and legal aspects of a business start up can be extremely daunting and this is where we come in. Our expert business start up and small business accountants are here to explain every step of the process and guide you through the various stages.
As a potential entrepreneur there are a number of things you need to consider before you realise your dream of running your own business. Sound planning and advice from the onset can make the difference between success and failure.
We can offer you a wealth of business experience in advising and forming new businesses and can help you start your venture on a sound footing. We aim to build strong relationships on which our clients can depend and to provide a responsive, proactive and friendly service. We can offer advice and assistance on the following :-
The business plan
Business structure and registration
Business stationery
Books and records
Statutory obligations
Taxation and VAT
Employing others
Pensions and payroll
We are here to help you start and grow your business and take the burden off you so you can get on with running your business.

he main reasons why you will be required by law to have a statutory audit are.
· Your turnover exceeds £6.5 million or your gross assets exceed £3.26 million or the company is part of a group that exceeds those limits;
· You are a PLC or a banking, insurance or finance company (or a subsidiary of one of these);
· You are required by your professional or trade organisation to have your accounts audited;
· Your shareholders do not agree to opting out of the audit.
We aim to deliver hassle free audits and there are good reasons for having an audit even if you are not required by law to have one.
An audit involves a detailed review of the company's accounting systems and systems of control and also requires a detailed understanding of the company's business. Such a review and knowledge can provide increased opportunities to provide proactive business advice on many matters; An unqualified audit report can improve the status of the accounts in the eyes of banks and commercial lenders, the Taxman and suppliers who may be seeking credit references, etc;
A history of accounts with clean audit reports can also be a factor if you ever wish to sell the company or, perhaps, take it to the market; The possibility of fraud can be reduced and an audit can act as a deterrent to any potential fraudster.
Please contact us for more information.
re to foster all of your accounting needs.
Contact Us
Registered to carry on audit work in the UK by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.
Details about our audit registration can be viewed at www.auditregister.org.uk under reference number C003070815.
66 Earl St, Maidstone ME14 1PS, UK
11 Church Road, Bexleyheath DA7 4DD
01622 277 057 / 020 8303 1417
08717 146 398